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About Souvik Jr's Adventures

Souvik Jr's Adventures is a website that's devoted to bringing to your daily & mundane life, an alternate perspective to everyday things. It captures the essence of things as they are, to bring to you the joy that a simple photograph can bring while continually making you perplexed about the deeper meaning of those pictures, what life holds for you, what you can turn it into & what stays with you later wards.


Souvik Jr's Adventure is a different slice of life. The adventures represent the limitless abilities your life holds for you, even if everybody is drowned in the 9-5 jobs, every moment is a small adventure in itself. Life is simply more than just being alive, it's about reminding your soul that you need to Live.

Photography is all the new thing about on this page, taking an image is not just that, forget booking definition or simply photons captured on a digital frame by the simple process of shutter release. It's about capturing the essence of the subject, preserving that single fleeting moment forever as time slowly marches on. But that single photograph stays as a time remnant to continually remind you of the memories that get etched onto your soul. Photography is more than art, more than passion, it's about capturing life in a microsecond. Thus breathing life onto art. It doesn't matter if it's a phone or a camera, the art of photography extends beyond things, it's up to the capturer after all. 

The Man behind the Adventures

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"Life is an adventure, & adventures are only limited to how far you can stretch your imagination." - Souvik Jr.


I'm Souvik Ghosh a.k.a Souvik Jr, for the sake of being different. In a nutshell, I'm an artist, atheist, explorer, futurist, individualist, innovator, gadget freak, optimist, Sagittarius, writer & INTP. I was once a boy who had a dream once to become someone, when I grew up I became a man who dreamed to change the way people saw their lives only to find out that 'you are an example for yourself'. 


The world always intrigued me, so I used to seldom go on imaginary adventures in my mind, but photography came to life like a sudden crush that I couldn't move on from.

To me life is all about what you take from it & what stays on and photography spoke that to me, each & every image I capture I grow, I learn & I aspire to be more than what I am.

Photography inspired me to express myself, and my art, almost as an extension of who I am.


Life serves you many things on a platter, it how you learn to arrange things the way you want them to be & when things turn out exactly how you imagine them to be is when you realize the world talking to you through yourself. 


I'm an amateur photographer who's capturing photos for 8 years, continuously looking beyond to find the right angle to capture the world and present it on a platter for the whole world to see. Life doesn't speak for itself, it speaks only when you talk to it.

#NaturePhotograher #FreelancePhotographer #SouvikJr #Photographer #Freelancer #FreelancePhotographerDelhi, #FreelancePhotographerNoida #ConceptPhotographer #AmateurPhotographer #AmateurPhotographerNoida #souvikjradventures #Nikon #NikonD3400 #NikonPhotographer #MacroPhotographer #Artist #TopPhotographer #PhotographyArt #MobilePhotographer #PhotoEditor #Designer #DigitalMarketingSpecialist

Every expert today was a novice yesterday, so remember no dream is too big. I too started out as a mobile photographer, it was an excellent way for me to learn new things, but ya of course a DSLR is a different story altogether. A Phone lets you explore a lot of options, you get to play with different software to render you the perfect shot.


Although I wasn't satisfied with just mobile photography so I explored hardware, gadgets & add-ons to take it to the next level. This just goes to show that no dream is too small, it's how you dream that defines you. Plus a phone offers you a lot of flexibility & mobility in terms of capturing a good shot.


You can still get satisfactory results with your phone, you just have to expand your mind, even if I don't have my camera I still use my phone to capture great images, all it takes is the right hand to wield the right weapon or so as to speak.

If you really want to wield a DSLR, the best advice is to go out into the wild and start clicking, only by stumbling can we learn to walk smoothly. Take baby steps, explore different genres of photography, check out different artists, and learn from different channels or articles & pages on the internet.


Don't let yourself down if you think others are more awesome than you, everybody has their own pace in life. I was a novice too, but that doesn't mean I'm an expert now, every skill can be updated, so learn & keep surpassing your own limits can you truly excel in any art.


Remember don't photograph to complete, photograph to feed your soul, by loving your passion can you truly learn to love yourself.

My obsession is my Nikon, it's a D3400 model which guess all of you have heard is the best model if you're a beginner grasping the art of graphing photos.


My current trump cards are my 70-300 mm lens, 50 mm Prime lens & 18-55 mm Macro filter fitted lens, so in short you could say the 70-300 mm is my sniper rifle while the Macro filtered 18-55 mm is my pistol. 


Having a DSLR really helps you expand your options for exploring different perspectives of photography and having the right lens for your needs. The key is understanding what sort of images you intend on capturing, what is your subject, how far is it, or how near you are; all factors help play a key role in helping you find your own style in photography.

#Nikon #NikonWorld #NikonCommunity #NikonD3400 #NikonPhotographer #NikonPhotography #Macro #MacroFilters #MacroLens #MacroPhotographer #Nikon70300mm #Nikon1855mm #Nikon1855mmMacro #Macrofittedlens #Nikonforlife #Nikkor #NikonDSLR #NikonCamera

#Souvikjr #souvikjradventures #AIArt #Designing #AIDesign #AI #Art

AI Art Designing

AI art generation is a revolutionary concept that combines the power of artificial intelligence and art. By using AI, it is possible to create beautiful art pieces with a unique style that can be used for designing and photography.


The concept of AI art generation has been around for some time, but it is only recently that it has become more widely used. AI art generation works by using algorithms to create unique and aesthetically pleasing visuals. This process is much faster than traditional art-making, which requires time and effort.


In terms of designing and photography, AI art generation provides new possibilities. AI art generation can be used to create unique and visually appealing designs and photos. AI art generation can also create visuals that can be used in web design, advertising, product design, and more.













AI art generation works by taking a source image and using algorithms to create a new image. The algorithms analyze the source image, and then use that data to generate the new image. This process allows for a high level of customization, as the algorithms can be tailored to create specific types of visuals.


The use of AI art generation in design and photography has become increasingly popular in recent years. AI art generation can create visuals that are visually stunning, and they can be used to create images that look like they were created by a professional artist. This is especially useful for web design, advertising, product design, and more.


AI art generation is also beneficial to photographers and designers. AI art generation can be used to create visuals that are more unique and aesthetically pleasing than traditional methods. Additionally, AI art generation can be used to create visuals that are more realistic and lifelike. This can be especially useful in photography, as it can help to capture moments in a more realistic way.

Overall, AI art generation is a powerful tool that can be used to create stunning visuals that can be used in photography and design. AI art generation can be used to create visuals that are unique and aesthetically pleasing, and it can also be used to create visuals that are more realistic and lifelike. This makes AI art generation a great tool for designers and photographers alike.

#aiart #art #ai #digitalart #generativeart #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #aiartcommunity #abstractart #nft #texttoimage #aiartgenerator 

#creativeAI #arttech #texttoimage #AIimagecreation 

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